Much has been written about the ongoing financial issues facing the European Union. In fact, most financial markets in 2011-2012 have been functioning with one eye on the European market with concern on how all of this uncertainty will play out. The lot of European prosperity varies greatly by local region. Moreover, as recent European travel statistics indicate, global travel growth to the United States will also vary greatly based on the actual European country.

Let’s look at two European examples that contrast markedly:

  1. United Kingdom – Once the core growth driver, United Kingdom (UK) bookings to the United States continued downward in 2011, and are expected to decline another 4% to 9% in the First quarter of 2012 according to the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries.
  2. Germany – German tour operators project an increase of bookings in the area of 4% to 9% for the First quarter of 2012 vs. 2011. Interestingly, German travellers indicated that the level of US promotion by businesses and destinations had a strong impact on this increase. The German economy and particularly the German banks have been at the epicenter of solving the EU financial dilemma moving forward.

Within the North American continental region, Canadians traveling to the United States remains strong and should continue this trend for some time. One of the items that has been helping push the trend in a positive direction is the lessening amount of concern over transnational entry and exit passage. As covered in a recent blog posting, President Obama’s efforts at promoting the perception of travel convenience to the United States (in Orlando) should have a continued positive impact as well on booking Orlando villas.

Recent comments at the Disney Corporate earnings release also emphasize the uneven projections for its European theme parks. Domestic parks show positive visitor growth while the European park (Disneyland Paris) show visitor growth stagnating or even declining.

The good news for vacation home rentals in Orlando and Central Florida is the fact that villa demand has never been higher. The 2012 seasonal holidays such as Easter and July 4th are filling up quickly. As the American and international economies continue to improve, Orlando holiday home rentals are the accommodation of choice for visiting Disney, SeaWorld, Legoland and/or the Universal Harry Potter theme parks. Its no secret that Canadians and Europeans enjoy the Florida sunshine.


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